Friday, August 7, 2020

Can An Over Analytical Mind Allow Creativity?

How can an over analytical mind co-exist with the creative genius that resides in all of us?  The two are diametrically opposites.  Having been successful in the world by developing a hard-driven, manipulative, over-analytical mind is not the best preparation for transitioning into a life of creative bliss. Learning how to allow creative expression the space and attention it needs to flourish and grow is like a right handed person learning to  write very naturally left handed.   The mind keeps wanting to revert to the most comfortable easy familiar way of doing things.  And it is ever so skillful in undermining the best intentions and maintain the status quo. 
Watching myself slip back into mind traps each day has been a huge learning experience for me.  I start out the day with the best intentions of allowing my Creative Genius take the lead.  I journal and have a great conversation with this beautiful promise of myself.  I have just get her.  I know she has been waiting all my life for me to recognize and honor her into my life.  She is everything I have been wanting, the missing link, and I feel an enormous love for her.  I know all that she promises is possible for me.  I understand and clearly see how I have been pushing her out of my life by taking the wheel and insisting on driving my life.  My intention is set and I am really ready to walk the walk.  I know, I know, let inspiration lead.  Stand back, allow, allow, allow.  I am in the present moment, available, attentive, and pumped with freed up energy.  A perfect environment for creative expression to blossom and grow.  But therein lies the paradox for a beginner like me.  Although space and freed up energy is the recipe for growing a creative life, it is also an invitation for the workaholic mind to come up with new ways to make things happen.  Knowing that the old way of pursuing life's goals with the attitude of "making things happen" no longer works, I’m often stuck in the void.  But isn’t the void a perfect canvas for a beautiful creative expression?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sometimes Life Gets Worse Before It Can Get Better. Would You Do It Anyway? I Did.

I hesitate to share with others about the unhappy times in my life.  But today I knew I needed to.  Lately I have felt a need to share some of things I have been learning.  But I wasn't ready to be so open and vulnerable.  I guess I am at the point of not caring.  Maybe it's a sign I have become stronger.  I am ready to be real and in the process maybe find a real connection to others.  It's part of my process to becoming whole.

I have been going through a quite a transition in my life ever since I left my corporate job almost 5 years ago now.  It's hard to believe that so much time has passed since that blissful day.  Unfortunately, things have not turned out as blissful as I had envisioned.   Down deep I knew that there would be turbulent waters ahead.  But I ignored the warnings. I had to.  A part of me was screaming to expand at whatever the cost.  Besides, it was too late; the giant wheel of fate was already in motion.   Nonetheless, I do not regret it.  I still believe it was the right step at the right time. 

I know that when you ask for something new and better out of life, sometimes things get worse before they get better.  Demolition of the old self, beliefs, and habits as I see it.  I liken it to being re-birthed.  From the comfort of my old job and habits, it seemed like a desirable thing to go through if it would bring about the changes that were necessary for the new life that I craved.  But the reality of it is quiet different.  I was not prepared for the pain, the misery, the overwhelming fear, the darkness and confusion. There seemed to be no answers, no way out and no one that could help.  I was forced to go within deeper than I have ever gone, becoming more open and more allowing.  And God gently began to reveal the blocks and beliefs that were keeping me small.  The light began to come back, very slowly, but consistently.  I thought I had a  close relationship with God before, but I know now it was just the tip of the iceberg.  And of course, I am still at the tip, I have just moved a little deeper.  The light is getting more frequent and stronger now.  The clouds are still there and I still get consumed by the darkness and confusion. There is still so many unanswered questions.  And there is a lot of mess to clean up from the demolition.   But the fear has weakened considerably and my faith has deepened.   The answers will come and my new life will become the norm.  Someday I am sure I will look back and be amazed by the whole process.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Essense, The Nittus Grittus

If you are unhappy, be unhappy.
Do not judge yourself for being that way.
It is wonderful to be unhappy, it is God expressing emotion.
Love your unhappiness. It means you are ready for change.
You are ready to go forward, yet you mourn for the old;
you are not ready to let go.
Allow the unhappiness, there is purposefulness in it.

Remove from your life everything that inhibits you
from being the totality of yourself. That is called "becoming".
Remove from your thoughts all the have to's, should's, must's.
Remove the images you think you must be and just be.

Embrace your life. Know that you created it.
Love all that you have been, said and done.
Know it was all purposeful.

Never see anything as a failure.
See everything as an accomplishment.
Love the hurt, the pain, the sorrow.
For what an experience! What a wonderment!
What jewels of wisdom are now in your treasure!

Be your own teacher, friend, counsel.
Confide in yourself, speak to yourself.

Seek answers that feel right within your soul.
Your soul knows what the truth is,
and it will tell you through feelings.
Always listen to your feelings. They know ... they know.

Live, experience, feel. Do not seek to identify yourself.
You will never have a point of understanding from which you
can say, "This is who I am!", for in each expanding moment
of consciousness, of being God, who you are will have
changed into the next moment of being.
To know who you are is to feel what you feel each moment.

Never do anything, no matter how far you are into it,
if you lose the joy of it and it becomes monotonous and mundane.
Do away with it and do something else that brings happiness.
For perhaps what you needed to learn from it
you have already achieved.
Go wherever you want to go,
Do whatever you want to do,
for as long as you want to.

Create only for the mere joy of creating.
When you create for you, you will soon find youself living in joy.

Don't ever strive to have anyone understand you.
If they wish to understand, they will.

Love everyone. Have compassion for all other entities.
You do not need to go and take care of them.
Love them by allowing them to express however they choose.
That is the greatest thing you can do!
If they are angered or disappointed by their life, love them
by allowing them to be that way.
Then you have become a great god, a great light!

Author Unknown

Friday, May 28, 2010

Just Imagine That!

You know the old saying, you give out what you most need.  One of the things I have been inspired to do to support myself and others on this path is to create a talk show that features authors of personal and spiritual growth books.  After years of reading these books I wanted to find a way to align myself with these great teachers and support them in reaching others with their work.  Just Imagine That! Internet Talk Show was born when I met Scottie Johnson, a retired attorney from Portland Oregon, that was just as passionate about hosting this type of show as I was to produce it.  It has been a dream come true for me to have contact with authors all over the world and be instrumental in highlighting their message above and beyond the writings of their books.  Scottie does a great job in hosting the show and as a result I have some great interviews to share with you.  Along with the podcasts, I want to share with you the gifts each interview reveals to me. I hope you feel inspired to share your thoughts as well.  

Monday, May 24, 2010

Courageous Journey

There are many of us looking for a more satisfying life that sustains us with a solid core of purpose and passion emanating from our hearts and overflowing as our unique way to serve others.  It is a deeply personal journey that challenges you to go against the majority of society's values and views courageously determined dispite overwhelming evidence that you are crazy.  No matter how hard and scary at times,  I strongly feel this is the work we are all called to do if we are going to live conscious authentic lives.

A lot of you are aware that I recently left a job in corporate American to pursue a career of higher calling.  As I  traveled this path the last 9 months, I have learned so much that I would like to share with you.  Most of all I have learned that  supporting other seekers is my greatest passion.  Even though this is a solitary journey, it is not intended to be traveled alone.  As we stumble in darkness there are many teachers and mentors that walk before us shining the light and pointing the way.  I want this blog to be a source of light to support and inspire you.  Here I will share the many helpful tools I have found and continue to find as I seek to live my best life. And as you come here I hope you will be renewed and encouraged to stay the course and realize your highest and most deeply satisfying life.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happiness Really Is An Inside Job

Well, I did it. I quite my job last week. I quite the best job a person could have in the face of a down economy and with no plan of action in place. Smart or stupid? Only time will tell. But the heart does not lie and my heart said "Let's live!". So here I sit on the pinnacle of a new life. What lies before me now? Where do I start? The answer is all starts with me.
As simple as it sounds, there is no doubt that it's just plain difficult to do. It requires a lot of work. The hardest work you or I will ever do. But it is the work we are called to do if we are going to realize our full potential in this life. Having a self-actualized life does not just happen. It requires that we become that which we want to want to experience. We become the love we want to receive. We become the respectful, compassionate, and forgiving person that calls forth the same in others. And from that place of personal integrity and authenticity inspiration blooms. And each bloom begins to unfold and manifest into the life we are meant to live. Our heart's life.
So this is where I begin. I want to share my journey in faith that I will somehow help you along your journey and you, of course, will help me. I am excited and full of hope and anticipation. No journey is more important. And in my life, it is a journey that cannot be denied. Please join me and let's walk this path together and bask in the sun along the way.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's Time To Dance!

I am on a journey to save my life. I am not talking about a physical illness, although that could certainly a consideration if I don't make some changes. I am talking about finding passion to fuel the last part of my life. You all may know the story. Typical middle age struggle to find meaning and purpose. A struggle that intensifies as life's journey peaks and starts the dreaded decent. I never thought I would find myself here so quickly. And surely I would know my life's purpose and calling by now. I suppose I can see that the lure of material things distracted the more meaningful pursuits. It felt like the most important things to focus on. And I was rewarded tenfold for all my focus. But money and material "stuff" does not satisfy the heart and soul. Couldn't I have found this out at an earlier age? What if it is too late? What if I stay stuck in analytical hell? Surely I would die without knowing that my life fulfilled the purpose for which I came. I must find it or my soul will not rest.